Sunday, July 5, 2009


At first, one tends to blame themselves or begins to question their value and worth against their partner’s lover. What is it that he/she has that I don’t have? Are they younger, slimmer, more handsome?

A great, great price was paid for us by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. You and I meant that much to Him. For God SO loved ….(John 3:16). God gave us a new ID when we became NEW creatures in Christ. Jesus is not ashamed to call us his friend, one that sticks closer than a brother.

The union of your marriage was approved with God’s signature. It is of great worth because He established marriage and blessed it.

It should not be you the one in doubt of self worth. You are abiding in God’s love and in His will as a faithful spouse. On the other hand, how is the infidel labeled? A cheater, a transgressor, an adulterer… They have to go hiding in the dark in shame. Think about the powerful, the rich and famous adulterers that got caught. What a disgrace! Anyone that goes against his Creator and a Savior who has the keys of heaven and hell is not in a very good frame of mind. The Bible says adulterers hate their own soul. Anyone that does not love God more than anything or anyone in the world is a poor candidate as a spouse. Pray they will repent with godly sorrow. Pray God will have mercy on them. Pray as though you would want someone to pray for you or a very close loved one if you were in their shoes.

The devil is a liar. You lift up your head. You are God’s special treasure. This thing that’s going on with your spouse is a work of the flesh. This spouse yielded to temptation. There is no excuse. The only solution is true repentance before God. But be a gap finder, rather than a fault finder. God will bless you for it. You are a child of the Most High. Overcome evil with good; be more than a conqueror by walking in love. You and they have the same enemy: the devil! And take this other Scripture to heart:

Psalm 3:3
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head